My grandma's apartment was an inspiration for this project. I modeled a corner of her room based on my childhood memories, and even tried to find a photo that would look similar to her window view. She liked to read and draw, so I added some books and sketches onto her work desk. Unfortunately, I didn't have her drawings with me in USA, so instead I put my drawing on papers.

Everything you see in this 3D visualization is the stuff people had in their home. There was no import back then, so lots of apartments had exact same stuff, such as a work desk and a lamp. You could see a big rug hanging on a wall in each house, winters are cold there, and a nice rag like this helps to keep warmth.

Portraits you see are photos of poets of the classic Russian literature. Books were very expensive and valuable at that time, my grandma had an entire library room next door, however it would not stop her from bringing a bunch of books into her room.

- to build a realistic interior space;
- room must represent certain time period.
- Autodesk Maya - to build all the assets and 3D visualization;
- Procreate - to illustrate and design some elements (ex. books).